Handling Errors with the Err Object

The Err object is used to intercept errors and take corrective action. When an error occurs, the toolkit sets the Err.Description, Err.Number, and Err.Source properties of the Err object. You can create an error-handling routine that uses the Err object properties to identify the problem and respond intelligently to the error situation.

Most runtime errors in Windows CE produce the following generic Application Error dialog box. No other information about what may have caused the error is provided to the user.

Another Application Error dialog box displayed by Windows CE, occurs while the user is on a Startup Form. If a program attempts to use an ActiveX control that has not been properly registered, or is not present on the device, a generic Application Error message is generated and the Err object reflects error 429. To resolve this type of error, reinstall the Windows CE application that includes the control or use Control Manager to download the control to the device.

For more information on error handling, see Debugging Your Code and Handling Errors your Visual Basic 5.0 Books Online documentation.