The Development Model

The following table presents an overview of the development model to use when building applications with Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0.

Stage Process
Get Started You do not need a remote device to begin developing Windows CE applications. Start Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 and choose Windows CE as the project type.
Set the Project Properties Specify your project information in the Project Properties box. Choose whether to develop for the emulator or for a remote device. Choose whether or not to run the program in the debugger.
Write your Program Position the form, add the controls you want, and write code for the events that will be generated by those controls.
Debug or Run in Emulation Use the debugger to test your project in the emulation environment during the initial stages of development.
Debug or Run on the Remote Device Use the remote debugging tools to debug from your desktop as the program runs on the device.
Create an Installation Program Use the Application Install Wizard to create an installation program.