
Creates a new record for an updatable Recordset object.



The recordset placeholder is an object variable that represents an updatable Recordset object to which you want to add a new record.


After you call the AddNew method, the new record becomes the current record and remains current after you call the Update method. The new record may be added to the end of the Recordset (typically if the select query required extra sorting or filtering) or will appear "in-place" in the Recordset (with the exact location depending on what index is being used). It will remain visible.

If you call AddNew while editing the current record or while adding a new record, ADO calls the Update method to save any changes and then creates the new record.

In immediate update mode (the provider writes changes to the underlying data source once you call the Update method), calling the AddNew method without arguments sets the EditMode property to adEditAdd. ADO caches any field value changes locally. Calling the Update method posts the new record to the database and resets the EditMode property to adEditNone. If you pass the Fields and Values arguments, ADO immediately posts the new record to the database (no Update call is necessary); the EditMode property value does not change (adEditNone).

ADO always updates in immediate mode. Batch mode is not supported.