LargeChange, SmallChange

The LargeChange property returns or sets the amount of change to the Value property setting in a scroll bar control (HScrollBar or VScrollBar) when the user clicks the area between the scroll box and scroll arrow.

The SmallChange property returns or sets the amount of change to the Value property setting in a scroll bar control when the user clicks a scroll arrow.


object.LargeChange [= number]
object.SmallChange [= number]

The parts of the LargeChange and SmallChange property syntaxes are described in the following table.

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object.
number An integer that specifies the amount of change to the Value property.


For both properties, you can specify an integer between 1 and 32,767, inclusive. By default, each property is set to 1.

The Microsoft Windows CE operating environment automatically sets proportional scrolling increments for scroll bars, ComboBox controls, and ListBox controls based on the amount of data in the object. For the HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls, however, you must specify these increments. Use LargeChange and SmallChange to set scrolling increments appropriate to how the scroll bar is being used.

Typically, you set LargeChange and SmallChange at design time. You can also reset them in code at run time when the scrolling increment must change dynamically.

Note You set the maximum and minimum ranges of the HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls with the Max and Min properties.