
Returns or sets the border style for an object. For the Form object and the TextBox control, read-only at run time.


object.BorderStyle = [value]

The parts of the BorderStyle property syntax are described in the following table.

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object.
value A value or constant that determines the border style, as described in Settings.


The BorderStyle property settings for a Form object are described in the following table.

Constant Setting Description
vbBSNone 0 None (no border or border-related elements).
vbFixedSingle 1 Fixed Single.

The BorderStyle property settings for Label, Frame, and TextBox controls are listed in the following table.

Setting Description
0 None (default for Label controls).
1 Fixed Single (default for TextBox).

The BorderStyle property settings for DrawLine and Shape controls are listed in the following table.

Constant Setting Description
vbTransparent 0 Transparent
vbBSSolid 1 Solid (default). The border is centered on the edge of the shape.
vbBSDash 2 Dash