
Returns or sets the width of a control's border.


object.BorderWidth [= number]

The parts of the BorderWidth property syntax are described in the following table.

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object.
number A numeric expression from 1 to 8192, inclusive.


Use the BorderWidth and BorderStyle properties to specify the kind of border you want for a DrawLine or Shape control. The following table describes the effect of BorderStyle settings on the BorderWidth property.

BorderStyle Effect on BorderWidth
0 BorderWidth setting is ignored.
1–5 The border width expands from the center of the border; the height and width of the control are measured from the center of the border.
6 The border width expands inward on the control from the outside of the border; the height and width of the control are measured from the outside of the border.

Note If the BorderWidth property setting is greater than 1, the only effective settings of BorderStyle are 1 (Solid) and 6 (Inside Solid).