
Sets or clears the break signal state. When set to True, the Break property sends a break signal. The break signal suspends character transmission and places the transmission line in a break state until you set the Break property to False.

Typically, you set the break state for a short interval of time, and only if the device with which you are communicating requires that a break signal be set. This property is not available at design time.

Sets or clears the break signal state. This property is not available at design time.


object.Break [ = value]

The parts of the Break property syntax are described in the following table.

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object.
value A Boolean expression specifying whether the break signal state is set, as described in Settings.


The settings for value are described in the following table.

Setting Description
True Sets the break signal state.
False Clears the break signal state.


When set to True, the Break property sends a break signal. The break signal suspends character transmission and places the transmission line in a break state until you set the Break property to False.

Typically, you set the break state for a short interval of time, and only if the device with which you are communicating requires that a break signal be set.

Data Type
