ColPosition, RowPosition

Sets the position of a Grid row or column, allowing you to move rows and columns to specific positions.


object.ColPosition( number ) [= value ]

object.RowPosition( number ) [= value ]

The ColPosition, RowPosition properties syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object.
number Long. The number of the column or row to be moved.
value Integer. A numeric expression specifying the new position of the column or row.


The index and setting must correspond to valid row or column numbers (in the range 0 to Rows –1 or Cols –1) or an error will be generated.

When a row or column is moved with these properties, all formatting information moves with it, including width, height, alignment, colors, fonts, and so on. To move text only, use the Clip property instead.