Installing Controls for Emulation

    To install a new emulation control that is not listed in the control manager box

  1. On the Windows CE menu, click Control Manager.
  2. Click Emulation, and the click Install Controls. An Open dialog box displays the location of the controls.
  3. Find the directory where the controls reside. The default directory for the Windows CE controls is:
  4. \Program files\DevStudio\vb\vbce\bin\emulation\controls.
  5. Click on the control you want to install.

For example, to install the FileSystem control for emulation:

  1. Click Windows CE on the Visual basic menu and select Control Manager.
  2. Highlight FileSystem Class.
    1. Click Emulation and choose Install.
    2. When the control has been installed, close the Control Manager and return to Visual Basic.
    3. Click Project on the Visual Basic menu and select Components.
    4. Check the box next to the Microsoft CE File System Control 1.0 and click OK.

Two new icons will be installed in the Toolbox. In the emulator, a message box will show the control was successfully installed. Control Manager will have a "Yes" in the Desktop and Emulation columns for the control.