Welcome to the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0

The Microsoft® Windows® CE Toolkit for Visual Basic® 5.0 enables you to develop Windows CE applications in the same integrated development environment (IDE) you use to develop other Microsoft® Visual Basic® applications. This book provides you with all the information you need to create world class Windows CE applications, including a complete language reference of all of the properties, methods, and events Windows CE supports. The following four documents are provided with this toolkit.

( ) Getting Started Guide

This guide explains how to use the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0. It contains information to get you up and running, developing applications, as quickly as possible. Topics in this guide include:

Hardware and System Requirements

Installing the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0

Supported Features

The Development Model

Starting a Project

Setting Project Properties

Exploring the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0 IDE

Using the Remote Tools

Installing Controls Using the Windows CE Control Manager

Adding Controls to a Form

Building a Project

Running an Application

Downloading Runtime Files

Debugging Code and Handling Errors

Creating an Installation Program

Uninstalling the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0

( ) Programming Guide

This guide provides detailed information about each of the Windows CE Remote Tools. It also provides information on the Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0 debugging environment. Topics in this guide include:

Exploring the Debugging Environment

Windows CE Application Install Wizard

Windows CE Control Manager

Windows CE Spy

Windows CE Registry Editor

Windows CE Zoom

Windows CE Process Viewer

Windows CE Heap Walker

( ) Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 5.0 Help

This guide provides a complete reference for Visual Basic features supported in Windows CE. It includes sections on the programming language, controls, and other references. Topics in this guide include:

Language Reference

( ) Microsoft Technical Support

This guide explains how to access technical support. Topics in this guide include:

Your Guide to Microsoft Technical Support

Self-Help Tools

Direct Assistance with a Microsoft Technical Support Engineer

Microsoft Technical Support Worldwide

The documentation provided in this toolkit is intended for intermediate and advanced Visual Basic programmers who are familiar with Visual Basic programming concepts and interested in using Visual Basic to develop Windows CE applications.