Accessing Hierarchy Information and the SHAPE Command

For run time, the Data Environment constructs an ADO SHAPE Command that is used by ADO to create an ADO hierarchical Recordset. You can display this underlying ADO hierarchical Recordset and ADO SHAPE Syntax. The hierarchy information shows the structure of the ADO Recordsets that are created at run time. This information is important if you wish to understand how the run-time hierarchy of recordsets are structured. You need to know this when programmatically accessing the ADO hierarchical Recordset. In addition, you can copy the SHAPE Command and paste it into code when you are programmatically creating hierarchies using ADO directly.

For more information, see ADO SHAPE Commands.

To view the underlying hierarchy information and SHAPE Command of a hierarchical Command object

  1. Right-click the parent Command object and click Hierarchy Info on the shortcut menu. The Hierarchy Information dialog box appears.

    Note   If Hierarchy Info is unavailable, the Command object is either not a parent Command object or it is not using the SHAPE Command.

  2. Select View Shape Command to display the underlying SHAPE Command of the current Command object.