Allowing Users to Interrupt Tasks

See Also

During long background tasks, your application cannot respond to user input. Therefore, you should provide the user with a way to interrupt or cancel the background processing by writing code for either the mouse or keyboard events. For example, when a long background task is running, you can display a dialog box that contains a Cancel button that the user can initiate by clicking the ENTER key (if the focus is on the Cancel button) or by clicking on it with the mouse.

Note   You may also want to give the user a visual cue when a long task is processing. For example, you might show the user how the task is progressing (using a Label or Gauge control, for instance), or by changing the mouse pointer to an hourglass.

There are several techniques, but no one way, to write code to handle background processing. One way to allow users to interrupt a task is to display a Cancel button and allow its Click event to be processed. You can do this by placing the code for your background task in a timer event, using the following guidelines.

For More Information   See "Using the Timer Control" in "Using Visual Basic's Standard Controls."