RDO Compared to Microsoft Jet ODBCDirect

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DAO supports an object interface option that links the DAO object model to Remote Data Objects. This new interface, referred to as ODBCDirect, vectors DAO references to equivalent RDO objects once the DBEngine object's DefaultType property is set. If ODBCDirect is enabled, DAO does not load the Microsoft Jet database engine — it loads RDO 2.0 instead.

Generally, this interface is designed for developers who need to maintain a degree of source-code compatibility between DAO/Jet and DAO/ODBCDirect applications. For example, in cases where a single application must be written to access both native Jet and ODBC-accessed databases, ODBCDirect can provide a similar programming paradigm.

Note   While the object names used in ODBCDirect are roughly the same as those used in DAO/Jet, some properties and methods that can be applied to DAO/Jet objects cannot be used with ODBCDirect Recordset objects. Similarly, some properties and methods exposed by ODBCDirect Recordset objects cannot be used with DAO/Jet Recordset objects. In addition, not all RDO 2.0 functionality is exposed in ODBCDirect.

For More Information   For more information about ODBCDirect, see "Remote Data Access Using DAO and ODBCDirect" in "Using Data Access Objects."