The Drive List Box

The drive list box is a drop-down list box. By default, the current drive is displayed on the user's system. When this control has the focus, the user can type in any valid drive designation or click the arrow at the right of the drive list box. When the user clicks the arrow, the list box drops down to list all valid drives. If the user selects a new drive from the list, that drive appears at the top of the list box.

You can use code to examine the Drive property of the drive list box to determine which drive is currently selected. Your application can also specify which drive appears at the top of the list box with this simple assignment:

Drive1.Drive = "c:\"

The drive list box displays valid available drives. Choosing a drive from the list box doesn't automatically change the current working drive; however, you can use the Drive property to change drives at the operating system level by specifying it as an argument to the ChDrive statement:

ChDrive Drive1.Drive