Trapping Printer Errors

See Also

Trappable run-time errors may occur while printing. The following table lists some examples that may be reported:

Error number Error message
396 Property cannot be set within a page.
This error occurs when the same property is set differently on the same page.
482 Printer Error.
Visual Basic reports the error whenever the printer driver returns an error code.
483 Printer driver does not support the property.
This error occurs when attempting to use a property that is not supported by the current printer driver.
484 Printer driver unavailable.
This error occurs when the WIN.INI printer information is missing or insufficient.

Note   Printer errors do not always occur immediately. If a statement causes a printer error, the error may not be raised until execution of the next statement that addresses that printer.

For More Information   For a detailed discussion on run-time errors, see "Debugging Your Code and Handling Errors. "