Using RDO Events

Instead of establishing polling loops to periodically test for the completion of asynchronous operations, you can code your own event handlers to trap the query, connection, and other asynchronous operation events as they occur.

The following tables briefly describes each of the RDO asynchronous query events.

rdoEngine Object Asynchronous Events

Event Fires …
InfoMessage When SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned by an ODBC API function.

rdoEnvironment Object Asynchronous Events

Event Fires …
BeginTrans After the BeginTrans method has completed.
CommitTrans After the CommitTrans method has completed.
RollbackTrans After the RollbackTrans method has completed.

rdoConnection Object Asynchronous Events

Event Fires …
BeforeConnect Before the call to SQLDriverConnect so the developer can do his own prompting.
Connect After a connection operation completes — successfully or not.
Disconnect After a connection has been closed.
QueryComplete After an query completes — successfully or not.
QueryTimeout When the QueryTimeout time has elapsed and the query has not yet completed.
WillExecute Before the query is run, allowing the developer to prohibit the query from running or make last-minute adjustments to the SQL.

rdoResultset Object Asynchronous Events

Event Fires …
Associate After a new connection is associated with the object.
Dissociate After the connection is set to nothing.
ResultsChange After current rowset is changed (multiple result sets).
RowCurrencyChange After the state of the current row has changed (due to an edit, delete, or insert) or when the current row pointer has changed.
RowStatusChange After the state of the current row has changed (due to an edit, delete or insert).
WillAssociate Before a new connection is associated with the object — developer can override or cancel the operation.
WillDissociate Before the connection is set to nothing — developer can override or cancel the operation.
WillUpdateRows Before an update to the server occurs — developer can override or cancel the operation.

rdoColumn Object Asynchronous Events

Event Fires …
DataChange When the value of the column has changed.
WillChangeData Before data is changed in the column; allows developer to cancel.