Adding OLE Support

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The MFC library defines numerous classes for supporting OLE functionality, including classes that implement the standard OLE dialog boxes. AppWizard also provides support for the automated creation of OLE container and OLE server applications. See the OLE tutorials in Tutorials for information on using MFC and AppWizard to write OLE applications; the section Creating an OLE Server describes how to make the SCRIBBLE sample an OLE server. The section Creating an OLE Container describes how to write an OLE container, using the CONTAINER sample as an example.

The previous version of the DRAWCLI sample already had OLE container functionality implemented, so it was not necessary to add this feature to meet Windows 95 logo requirements. However, DRAWCLI previously did not have drag-and-drop support; the following section describes the addition of that functionality.

For other examples of OLE containers, see the CONTAINER and OCLIENT sample applications in the MFC samples. For examples of OLE servers, see the HIERSVR sample application and Step 7 of the SCRIBBLE tutorial sample in the MFC samples. MFC samples are found in Samples.