DLLs: Frequently Asked Questions

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Following are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about DLLs.

  1. How do I port my 16-bit DLL to a Win32 DLL?

  2. How do I convert my USRDLL to a regular DLL that uses the MFC shared library?

  3. How do I export data from a DLL?

  4. How do I share data in my DLL with an application or with other DLLs?

  5. Can a multithreaded application access an MFC DLL in different threads?

  6. Can an MFC DLL create multiple threads?

  7. Are there any MFC classes or functions that cannot be used in an MFC DLL?

  8. How do I debug my DLL?

  9. What optimization techniques should I use to improve the client application’s performance when loading?

  10. There’s a memory leak in my regular DLL, but my code looks fine. How can I find the memory leak?

  11. How do I create a modal dialog box from within a regular DLL?