Internet Programming Support

Visual C++ 4.2 included new additions to MFC that wrap the Win32 Internet and APIs to provide support of the ActiveX controls and COM. It also added more articles about using MFC to create Internet server extensions and filters.

Visual C++ supports Internet programming in the following areas:

Technology Description Article(s)
Win32 Internet Win32 Internet API (WinInet) makes the Internet an integral part of any application and simplifies access to the Internet services FTP, HTTP, and gopher. Internet Programming with WinInet

Internet First Steps: WinInet
Active documents Active documents can be displayed either in the entire client window of a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer 3.0, or in an OLE container—such as the Microsoft Office Binder—that supports Active documents. Internet First Steps: Active Documents
ActiveX controls ActiveX controls can be used in Internet or desktop applications and require fewer resources than traditional OLE controls. These controls are lightweight, require few interfaces, and can be windowless and always in-place active. Internet First Steps: ActiveX Controls
Asynchronous monikers Asynchronous (URL) monikers enable your application to download files and control properties asynchronously, thus freeing system resources for other processes while the tasks are completed. This functionality is especially useful in Internet programming, where slow network access often delays processes and stalls the user interface. Internet First Steps: Asynchronous Monikers
Expanded ISAPI documentation The ISAPI documentation includes steps for creating a server extension or a filter, programming tips about programming an Internet server, and information on debugging a remote application. Internet Server API (ISAPI) Extensions

To locate additional topics of interest about Internet programming, see the article Internet: Where Is....

The Win32 ActiveX SDK documentation is included on the Visual C++ version 6.0 CD-ROM. You can also download it from the World Wide Web at