accumulate, copy, vector::push_back(STL Sample)

The sample code below illustrates how to use the accumulate, copy, and vector::push_back STL functions in Visual C++.

Required Header:


template<class InputIterator, class _TYPE> inline
      _TYPE accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, _TYPE init)

template<class InputIterator, class _TYPE, class BinaryOperator> inline
     _TYPE accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, _TYPE init, BinaryOperator binary_op)

Note: The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.

The accumulate function initializes an accumulator acc with an initial value init and then modifies it with acc = acc + *i or acc = binary_op(acc,*i) for every iterator i in the range [first, last) in order. Normally, the accumulate function is used to sum the numeric elements of a vector. However, it can also be used to do other useful work such as concatenating a vector of strings.

Sample Code:

// Compile options needed: /GX
// accumulate.cpp : Demonstrates the use of accumulate()
// Description of accumulate(first,last,init)
//                accumulate(first,last,init,binary_op):
//    Initializes the accumulator acc with the initial value init
//        acc = init
//    and then modifies it with
//        acc  =  acc + *i
//    or
//        acc = binary_op(acc, *i)
//    for every iterator i in the range [first, last) in order.

// turn off warning about symbols too long for debugger
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef vector < float > FloatArray;
typedef vector < string > StringArray;
typedef ostream_iterator <float, char, char_traits <char> > FloatOstreamIt;

void main ()
    // a vector of floats
    FloatArray rgFA;

    // an ostream iterator that outputs a float to cout terminated
    // by a space
    FloatOstreamIt OstreamIt(cout," ");

    // Initialize the array to 1,1/2,1/3,...
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) rgFA.push_back(1.0f/(i+1));

    // Print the array
    cout << endl;

    // Sum the array
    cout << "The sum of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/10 is "
         << accumulate(rgFA.begin(),rgFA.end(),0.0f)
         << endl;

    // Compute the product of the array
    cout << "The product of 1 * 1/2 * 1/3 * ... * 1/10 is "
         << accumulate(rgFA.begin(),rgFA.end(),1.0f,multiplies<float>())
         << endl;

    // Initialize array of strings
    StringArray rgs;
    rgs.push_back("This ");
    rgs.push_back("is ");
    rgs.push_back("one ");
    rgs.push_back("sentence. ");

    // Concatenate the strings in the array and print the sentence
    cout << "The concatenated vector of strings: "
         << accumulate(rgs.begin(),rgs.end(),string(""))
         << endl;


Program Output is:

1 0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2 0.166667 0.142857 0.125 0.111111 0.1
The sum of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/10 is 2.92897
The product of 1 * 1/2 * 1/3 * ... * 1/10 is 2.75573e-007
The concatenated vector of strings: This is one sentence.