deque::assign and deque::swap (STL Sample)

The sample code below illustrates how to use the deque::assign and deque::swap STL functions in Visual C++.

Required Header:
< deque>


   void assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
   void assign(size_type n, const T& x = T());
   void swap(deque& dq);

Note: The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.

The first assign member function replaces the sequence controlled by *this with the sequence [first, last). The second assign member function replaces the sequence controlled by *this with a repetition of n elements of value x. The swap member function swaps the contents between *this and dq.

Sample Code:

// Compile options needed: -GX
// deque.cpp :
// Functions:
//    assign
//    swap
//    begin
//    end

/* Compile options needed:-GX
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;

typedef deque<char >  CHARDEQUE;
void print_contents (CHARDEQUE  deque, char*);

void main()
    //create a  with  3 A's
    CHARDEQUE  a(3,'A');

    //create b with 4 B's.
    CHARDEQUE  b(4,'B');

    //print out the contents
    print_contents (a,"a");
    print_contents (b,"b");

    //swap a and b
    print_contents (a,"a");
    print_contents (b,"b");

    // let us swap it back
    print_contents (a,"a");
    print_contents (b,"b");

    //assign the contents of b to a
    print_contents (a,"a");

    //assign the first two items of b to a
    print_contents (a,"a");

    //assign 3 'Z's to a
    print_contents (a,"a");


//function to print the contents of deque
void print_contents (CHARDEQUE  deque, char *name)
    CHARDEQUE::iterator pdeque;

    cout <<"The contents of "<< name <<" : ";

        for(pdeque = deque.begin();
        pdeque != deque.end();
        cout << *pdeque <<" " ;


Program Output is:

The contents of a : A A A
The contents of b : B B B B
The contents of a : B B B B
The contents of b : A A A
The contents of a : A A A
The contents of b : B B B B
The contents of a : B B B B
The contents of a : B B
The contents of a : Z Z Z