Addition (+)

The addition operator (+) causes its two operands to be added. Both operands can be either integral or floating types, or one operand can be a pointer and the other an integer. 

When an integer is added to a pointer, the integer value (i) is converted by multiplying it by the size of the value that the pointer addresses. After conversion, the integer value represents i memory positions, where each position has the length specified by the pointer type. When the converted integer value is added to the pointer value, the result is a new pointer value representing the address i positions from the original address. The new pointer value addresses a value of the same type as the original pointer value and therefore is the same as array indexing (see One-Dimensional Arrays and Multidimensional Arrays). If the sum pointer points outside the array, except at the first location beyond the high end, the result is undefined. For more information, see Pointer Arithmetic.