Summary of Lifetime and Visibility

Table 2.1 is a summary of lifetime and visibility characteristics for most identifiers. The first three columns give the attributes that define lifetime and visibility. An identifier with the attributes given by the first three columns has the lifetime and visibility shown in the fourth and fifth columns. However, the table does not cover all possible cases. Refer to Storage Classes in Chapter 3 for more information.

Table 2.1   Summary of Lifetime and Visibility






File scope Variable definition static Global Remainder of source file in which it occurs
Variable declaration extern Global Remainder of source file in which it occurs
Function prototype or definition static Global Single source file
Function prototype extern Global Remainder of source file
Block scope Variable declaration extern Global Block
Variable definition static Global Block
Variable definition auto or register Local Block

The following example illustrates blocks, nesting, and visibility of variables:

#include <stdio.h>

int i = 1;               /* i defined at external level               */

int main()               /* main function defined at external level   */
    printf( "%d\n", i ); /* Prints 1 (value of external level i)      */
    {                            /* Begin first nested block          */
        int i = 2, j = 3;        /* i and j defined at internal level */
        printf( "%d %d\n", i, j );     /* Prints 2, 3                 */
        {                        /* Begin second nested block         */
            int i = 0;           /* i is redefined                    */
            printf( "%d %d\n", i, j ); /* Prints 0, 3                 */
        }                        /* End of second nested block        */
        printf( "%d\n", i );     /* Prints 2 (outer definition        */
                                 /*  restored)                        */
    }                            /* End of first nested block         */
    printf( "%d\n", i );         /* Prints 1 (external level          */
                                 /* definition restored)              */
    return 0;

In this example, there are four levels of visibility: the external level and three block levels. The values are printed to the screen as noted in the comments following each statement.