ostream::operator <<

ostream& operator <<( char ch );

ostream& operator <<( unsigned char uch );

ostream& operator <<( signed char sch );

ostream& operator <<( const char* psz );

ostream& operator <<( const unsigned char* pusz );

ostream& operator <<( const signed char* pssz );

ostream& operator <<( short s );

ostream& operator <<( unsigned short us );

ostream& operator <<( int n );

ostream& operator <<( unsigned int un );

ostream& operator <<( long l );

ostream& operator <<( unsigned long ul );

ostream& operator <<( float f );

ostream& operator <<( double d );

ostream& operator <<( long double ld ); (16-bit only)

ostream& operator <<( const void* pv );

ostream& operator <<( streambuf* psb );

ostream& operator <<( ostream& (*fcn)(ostream&) );

ostream& operator <<( ios& (*fcn)(ios&) );


These overloaded operators insert their argument into the stream. With the last two variations, you can use manipulators that are defined for both ostream and ios.

ostream OverviewOutput Stream Classes