
static LPCTSTR WINAPI GetObjectDescription( );

Return Value

The class object’s description.


This static method retrieves the text description for your class object. The default implementation returns NULL. You can override this method with the DECLARE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION macro. For example:

class CMyClass : public CComCoClass< ... >, ...
   DECLARE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION("Account Transfer Object 1.0")


GetObjectDescription is called by IComponentRegistrar::GetComponents. IComponentRegistrar is an Automation interface that allows you to register and unregister individual components in a DLL. When you create a Component Registrar object with the ATL Object Wizard, the wizard will automatically implement the IComponentRegistrar interface. IComponentRegistrar is typically used by Microsoft Transaction Server.

For more information about the ATL Object Wizard, see the article Creating an ATL Project.

CComCoClass OverviewClass Members