CComControl Class Members

CComControl class members are divided into the following categories:


CcomControl Constructor.
ControlQueryInterface Retrieves a pointer to the requested interface.
CreateControlWindow Creates a window for the control.
FireOnChanged Notifies the container's sink that a control property has changed.
FireOnRequestEdit Notifies the container's sink that a control property is about to change.

CComControlBase Methods

CcomControlBase Constructor. Stores the window handle. Initializes the control data and sets a default control size.
DoesVerbActivate Checks that the iVerb parameter used by IOleObjectImpl::DoVerb activates the control.
DoesVerbUIActivate Checks that the iVerb parameter used by IOleObjectImpl::DoVerb causes the control's user interface to activate.
DoVerbProperties Tells the control to display its property sheet.
FireViewChange Tells the control to discard any undo the state it is maintaining.
GetDirty Retrieves the value of the flag indicating whether the control's properties have changed since it was last saved.
GetZoomInfo Retrieves the zoom factor and stores it in the ATL_DRAWINFO structure.
InPlaceActivate Determines that the control can be in-place activated, informs the container the control is going in-place active, and activates the control.
OnDraw Draws your control.
OnDrawAdvanced Normalizes the device context, then calls your control class's OnDraw method.
OnGetDlgCode Called in response to a WM_GETDLGCODE message. Override to have the control process TAB keys and arrow keys.
OnKillFocus Informs the container the control has lost focus.
OnPaint Prepares the container for painting, gets information about the control size, and calls your control class's OnDraw method.
OnSetFocus Informs the container the control has gained focus.
SendOnClose Called by the server to notify the control's advise sinks the control has changed from the running to the loaded state.
SendOnDataChange Called by the server to notify the control's advise sinks that data in the control has changed.
SendOnRename Called by the server to notify the control's advise sinks the control has been renamed.
SendOnSave Called by the server to notify the control's advise sinks the control has been saved.
SendOnViewChange Notifies the control's advise sinks its view has changed.
SetControlFocus Sets or removes keyboard focus to or from the control.
SetDirty Sets the value of the flag indicating that the control's properties have changed since it was last saved.

GetAmbient Property Methods

GetAmbientAppearance Gets the container's APPEARANCE property.
GetAmbientAutoClip Gets the container's AUTOCLIP property.
GetAmbientBackColor Gets the container's BACKCOLOR property.
GetAmbientDisplayAsDefault Gets the container's DISPLAYASDEFAULT property.
GetAmbientDisplayName Gets the container's DISPLAYNAME property.
GetAmbientFont Gets the container's FONT properties.
GetAmbientForeColor Gets the container's FORECOLOR property.
GetAmbientLocaleID Gets the container's LOCALEID property.
GetAmbientMessageReflect Gets the container's MESSAGEREFLECT property.
GetAmbientPalette Gets the container's PALETTE property.
GetAmbientProperty Retrieves the specified container property.
GetAmbientScaleUnits Gets the container's SCALEUNITS property.
GetAmbientShowGrabHandles Gets the container's SHOWGRABHANDLES property.
GetAmbientShowHatching Gets the container's SHOWHATCHING property.
GetAmbientSupportsMnemonics Gets the container's SUPPORTSMNEMONICS property.
GetAmbientTextAlign Gets the container's TEXTALIGN property.
GetAmbientUIDead Gets the container's UIDEAD property.
GetAmbientUserMode Gets the container's USERMODE property.

Data Members

m_bAutoSize Flag indicating the control cannot be any other size, and SetExtent should fail.
m_bDrawFromNatural Flag indicating that GetData should use the control's actual size and not its current extent when drawing.
m_bDrawGetDataInHimetric Flag indicating that GetData should use HIMETRIC units and not pixels when drawing.
m_bInPlaceActive Flag indicating the control is in-place active.
m_bInPlaceSiteEx Flag indicating the container supports OCX96 control features, such as windowless and flicker-free controls.
m_bNegotiatedWnd Flag indicating whether or not the control has negotiated with the container about being windowless or windowed.
m_bRecomposeOnResize Flag indicating the control wants to recompose its presentation when the container changes the control's display size.
m_bRequiresSave Flag indicating the control has changed since it was last saved.
m_bResizeNatural Flag indicating the control wants to resize its natural extent (its unscaled physical size) when the container changes the control's display size.
m_bUIActive Flag indicating the control's user interface is active.
m_bUsingWindowRgn Flag indicating the control is using the container-supplied window region.
m_bWasOnceWindowless Flag indicating the control has been windowless, but may or may not be windowless now.
m_bWindowOnly Flag indicating the control should be windowed even if the container supports windowless controls.
m_bWndless Flag indicating the control is windowless.
m_hWndCD A reference to the window handle associated with the control.
m_nFreezeEvents A count of the number of times the container has refused to accept events (a freeze of events) without an intervening acceptance of events (a thaw of events).
m_phWndCD A pointer to the window handle associated with the control.
m_rcPos The RECT position of the control.
m_sizeExtent The SIZE of the control on a particular display in HIMETRIC units (each logical unit is 0.01 millimeter). This size is scaled by the display.
m_sizeNatural The fixed physical SIZE of the control in HIMETRIC units (each logical unit is 0.01 millimeter). This size is not scaled by the display.
m_spAdviseSink A COM interface pointer of type IAdviseSink.
m_spAmbientDispatch A CcomDispatchDriver object used to set and get properties through IDispatch.
m_spClientSite A COM interface pointer of type IOleClientSite.
m_spDataAdviseHolder A COM interface pointer of type IDataAdviseHolder.
m_spInPlaceSite A pointer to the container's IOleInPlaceSite, IoleInPlaceSiteEX, or IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless COM interface.
m_spOleAdviseHolder A COM interface pointer of type IOleAdviseHolder.

Stock Property Data Members

m_bAutoSize Stores the AUTOSIZE stock property.
m_bBorderVisible Stores the BORDERVISIBLE stock property.
m_bEnabled Stores the ENABLED stock property.
m_bstrCaption Stores the CAPTION stock property.
m_bstrText Stores the TEXT stock property.
m_bTabStop Stores the TABSTOP stock property.
m_bValid Stores the VALID stock property.
m_clrBackColor Stores the BACKCOLOR stock property.
m_clrBorderColor Stores the BORDERCOLOR stock property.
m_clrFillColor Stores the FILLCOLOR stock property.
m_clrForeColor Stores the FORECOLOR stock property.
m_nAppearance Stores the APPEARANCE stock property.
m_nBackStyle Stores the BACKSTYLE stock property.
m_nBorderStyle Stores the BORDERSTYLE stock property.
m_nBorderWidth Stores the BORDERWIDTH stock property.
m_nDrawMode Stores the DRAWMODE stock property.
m_nDrawStyle Stores the DRAWSTYLE stock property.
m_nDrawWidth Stores the DRAWWIDTH stock property.
m_nFillStyle Stores the FILLSTYLE stock property.
m_nMousePointer Stores the MOUSEPOINTER stock property.
m_nReadyState Stores the READYSTATE stock property.
m_pFont Stores the FONT stock property.
m_pMouseIcon Stores the MOUSEICON stock property.
m_pPicture Stores the PICTURE stock property.

CComControl Overview