
HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceS( LPCTSTR lpszRes, BOOL bRegister, struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL );

HRESULT UpdateRegistryFromResourceS( UINT nResID, BOOL bRegister, struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries = NULL );

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.



[in] A resource name.


[in] A resource ID.


[in] Indicates whether the resource script should be registered.


[in] A pointer to the replacement map storing values associated with the script's replaceable parameters. ATL automatically uses %MODULE%. To use additional replaceable parameters, see Remarks for details. Otherwise, use the NULL default value.


Similar to UpdateRegistryFromResourceD except UpdateRegistryFromResourceS creates a static link to the ATL Registry Component (Registrar).

UpdateRegistryFromResourceS will be invoked automatically when your object map is processed, provided you add #define _ATL_STATIC_REGISTRY to your stdafx.h.

Note   To substitute replacement values at run time, do not specify the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE or DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro. Instead, create an array of _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES structures, where each entry contains a variable placeholder paired with a value to replace the placeholder at run time. Then call CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceS, passing the array for the pMapEntries parameter. This adds all the replacement values in the _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES structures to the Registrar's replacement map.

For more information about replaceable parameters and scripting, see the article The ATL Registry Component (Registrar).

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