
CContainedWindow( LPTSTR lpszClassName, CMessageMap* pObject, DWORD dwMsgMapID = 0 );

CContainedWindow( CMessageMap* pObject, DWORD dwMsgMapID = 0 )

CContainedWindow( );



[in] The name of an existing window class on which the contained window will be based.


[in] A pointer to the containing object that declares the message map. This object’s class must derive from CMessageMap.


[in] Identifies the message map that will process the contained window’s messages. The default value, 0, specifies the default message map declared with BEGIN_MSG_MAP. To use an alternate message map declared with ALT_MSG_MAP(msgMapID), pass msgMapID.


The constructor initializes data members. If you want to create a new window through Create, you must pass the name of an existing window class for the lpszClassName parameter. For an example, see the CContainedWindow overview.

There are three constructors:

If you subclass an existing window through SubclassWindow, the lpszClassName value will not be used; therefore, you can pass NULL for this parameter.

CContainedWindow OverviewClass Members

See Also

CContainedWindow::m_lpszClassName, CContainedWindow::m_pObject, CContainedWindow::m_pfnSuperWindowProc, CContainedWindow::SwitchMessageMap