Hot Key Methods | Window Text Methods |
Operators |
FlashWindow | Flashes the window once. |
MessageBox | Displays a message box. |
GetExStyle | Retrieves the extended window styles. |
GetStyle | Retrieves the window styles. |
GetWindowLong | Retrieves a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
GetWindowWord | Retrieves a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
ModifyStyle | Modifies the window styles. |
ModifyStyleEx | Modifies the extended window styles. |
SetWindowLong | Sets a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
SetWindowWord | Sets a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CreateCaret | Creates a new shape for the system caret. |
CreateGrayCaret | Creates a gray rectangle for the system caret. |
CreateSolidCaret | Creates a solid rectangle for the system caret. |
HideCaret | Hides the system caret. |
ShowCaret | Displays the system caret. |
ChangeClipboardChain | Removes the window from the chain of Clipboard viewers. |
OpenClipboard | Opens the Clipboard. |
SetClipboardViewer | Adds the window to the Clipboard viewer chain. |
Construction, Destruction, and Initialization
Create | Creates a window. |
Attach | Attaches a window to the CWindow object. |
CWindow | Constructor. |
DestroyWindow | Destroys the window associated with the CWindow object. |
Detach | Detaches the window from the CWindow object. |
ClientToScreen | Converts client coordinates to screen coordinates. |
MapWindowPoints | Converts a set of points from the window’s coordinate space to the coordinate space of another window. |
ScreenToClient | Converts screen coordinates to client coordinates. |
CheckDlgButton | Changes the check state of the specified button. |
CheckRadioButton | Checks the specified radio button. |
DlgDirList | Fills a list box with the names of all files matching a specified path or filename. |
DlgDirListComboBox | Fills a combo box with the names of all files matching a specified path or filename. |
DlgDirSelect | Retrieves the current selection from a list box. |
DlgDirSelectComboBox | Retrieves the current selection from a combo box. |
GetDlgItemInt | Translates a control’s text to an integer. |
GetDlgItemText | Retrieves a control’s text. |
GetNextDlgGroupItem | Retrieves the previous or next control within a group of controls. |
GetNextDlgTabItem | Retrieves the previous or next control having the WS_TABSTOP style. |
GotoDlgCtrl | Sets the keyboard focus to a control in the dialog box. |
IsDialogMessage | Determines whether a message is intended for the specified dialog box. |
IsDlgButtonChecked | Determines the check state of the button. |
NextDlgCtrl | Sets the keyboard focus to the next control in the dialog box. |
PrevDlgCtrl | Sets the keyboard focus to the previous control in the dialog box. |
SendDlgItemMessage | Sends a message to a control. |
SetDlgItemInt | Changes a control’s text to the string representation of an integer value. |
GetDlgControl | Retrieves the IUnknown of the specified control. |
SetDlgItemText | Changes a control’s text. |
DragAcceptFiles | Registers whether the window accepts dragged files. |
GetFont | Retrieves the window’s current font. |
SetFont | Changes the window’s current font. |
GetWindowContextHelpId | Retrieves the window’s help context identifier. |
SetWindowContextHelpId | Sets the window’s help context identifier. |
WinHelp | Starts Windows Help. |
GetHotKey | Determines the hot key associated with the window. |
SetHotKey | Associates a hot key with the window. |
GetIcon | Retrieves the window’s large or small icon. |
SetIcon | Changes the window’s large or small icon. |
DrawMenuBar | Redraws the window’s menu bar. |
GetMenu | Retrieves the window’s menu. |
GetSystemMenu | Creates a copy of the system menu for modification. |
HiliteMenuItem | Highlights or removes the highlight from a top-level menu item. |
SetMenu | Changes the window’s current menu. |
PostMessage | Places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the window. Returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. |
SendMessage | Sends a message to the window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. |
SendNotifyMessage | Sends a message to the window. If the window was created by the calling thread, SendNotifyMessage does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. Otherwise, it returns immediately. |
GetWindowThreadID | Retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the specified window. |
GetWindowProcessID | Retieves the identifier of the process that created the window. |
EnableScrollBar | Enables or disables the scroll bar arrows. |
GetScrollInfo | Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar. |
GetScrollPos | Retrieves the position of the scroll box. |
GetScrollRange | Retrieves the scroll bar range. |
ScrollWindow | Scrolls the specified client area. |
ScrollWindowEx | Scrolls the specified client area with additional features. |
SetScrollInfo | Sets the parameters of a scroll bar. |
SetScrollPos | Changes the position of the scroll box. |
SetScrollRange | Changes the scroll bar range. |
ShowScrollBar | Shows or hides a scroll bar. |
KillTimer | Destroys a timer event. |
SetTimer | Creates a timer event. |
BeginPaint | Prepares the window for painting. |
EndPaint | Marks the end of painting. |
GetDC | Retrieves a device context for the client area. |
GetDCEx | Retrieves a device context for the client area and allows clipping options. |
GetUpdateRect | Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region. |
GetUpdateRgn | Retrieves the update region and copies it into a specified region. |
GetWindowDC | Retrieves a device context for the entire window. |
Invalidate | Invalidates the entire client area. |
InvalidateRect | Invalidates the client area within the specified rectangle. |
InvalidateRgn | Invalidates the client area within the specified region. |
IsWindowVisible | Determines the window’s visibility state. |
LockWindowUpdate | Disables or enables drawing in the window. |
Requests that the window be drawn in a specified device context. | |
PrintClient | Requests that the window’s client area be drawn in a specified device context. |
RedrawWindow | Updates a specified rectangle or region in the client area. |
ReleaseDC | Releases a device context. |
SetRedraw | Sets or clears the redraw flag. |
ShowOwnedPopups | Shows or hides the pop-up windows owned by the window. |
ShowWindow | Sets the window’s show state. |
ShowWindowAsync | Sets the show state of a window created by a different thread. |
UpdateWindow | Updates the client area. |
ValidateRect | Validates the client area within the specified rectangle. |
ValidateRgn | Validates the client area within the specified region. |
ChildWindowFromPoint | Retrieves the child window containing the specified point. |
ChildWindowFromPointEx | Retrieves a particular type of child window containing the specified point. |
GetLastActivePopup | Retrieves the most recently active pop-up window. |
GetParent | Retrieves the immediate parent window. |
GetTopLevelParent | Retrieves the top-level parent or owner window. |
GetTopLevelWindow | Retrieves the top-level owner window. |
GetTopWindow | Retrieves the top-level child window. |
GetWindow | Retrieves the specified window. |
IsChild | Determines whether the specified window is a child window. |
SetParent | Changes the parent window. |
Window Size and Position Methods
ArrangeIconicWindows | Arranges all minimized child windows. |
BringWindowToTop | Brings the window to the top of the Z order. |
CenterWindow | Centers the window against a given window. |
DeferWindowPos | Updates the specified multiple-window-position structure for the specified window. |
GetClientRect | Retrieves the coordinates of the client area. |
GetWindowPlacement | Retrieves the show state and positions. |
GetWindowRect | Retrieves the window’s bounding dimensions. |
GetWindowRgn | Obtains a copy of the window region of a window. |
IsIconic | Determines whether the window is minimized. |
IsZoomed | Determines whether the window is maximized. |
MoveWindow | Changes the window’s size and position. |
ResizeClient | Resizes the window. |
SetWindowPlacement | Sets the show state and positions. |
SetWindowPos | Sets the size, position, and Z order. |
SetWindowRgn | Sets the window region of a window. |
EnableWindow | Enables or disables input. |
IsWindow | Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window. |
IsWindowEnabled | Determines whether the window is enabled for input. |
IsWindowUnicode | Determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window. |
SetActiveWindow | Activates the window. |
SetCapture | Sends all subsequent mouse input to the window. |
SetFocus | Sets the input focus to the window. |
GetWindowText | Retrieves the window’s text. |
GetWindowTextLength | Retrieves the length of the window’s text. |
SetWindowText | Changes the window’s text. |
GetDescendantWindow | Retrieves the specified descendant window. |
GetDlgCtrlID | Retrieves the window’s identifier (for child windows only). |
GetDlgItem | Retrieves the specified child window. |
SendMessageToDescendants | Sends a message to the specified descendant windows. |
SetDlgCtrlID | Changes the window’s identifier. |
operator HWND | Converts the CWindow object to an HWND. |
operator = | Assigns an HWND to the CWindow object. |
m_hWnd | The handle to the window associated with the CWindow object. |