
HRESULT SetExtent( DWORD dwDrawAspect, SIZEL* psizel );

See IOleObject::SetExtent in the Win32 SDK.


If the control class data member m_bAutoSize is TRUE, this method returns E_FAIL because the control cannot be resized. Otherwise, SetExtent stores the value pointed to by psizel in the control class data member m_sizeExtent. This value is in HIMETRIC units (0.01 millimeter per unit).

If the control class data member m_bResizeNatural is TRUE, SetExtent also stores the value pointed to by psizel in the control class data member m_sizeNatural.

If the control class data member m_bRecomposeOnResize is TRUE, SetExtent calls SendOnDataChange and SendOnViewChange to notify all advisory sinks registered with the advise holder that the control size has changed.

IOleObjectImpl OverviewClass Members

See Also   IOleObjectImpl::GetExtent, CComControl::SendOnDataChange, CComControl::SendOnViewChange