LPCTSTR AFXAPI AfxRegisterWndClass( UINT nClassStyle, HCURSOR hCursor = 0, HBRUSH hbrBackground = 0, HICON hIcon = 0 );
Return Value
A null-terminated string containing the class name. You can pass this class name to the Create member function in CWnd or other CWnd-derived classes to create a window. The name is generated by the Microsoft Foundation Class Library.
Note The return value is a pointer to a static buffer. To save this string, assign it to a CString variable.
Specifies the Windows class style or combination of styles, created by using the bitwise-OR (|) operator, for the window class. For a list of class styles, see the WNDCLASS structure in the Win32 SDK documentation. If NULL, the defaults will be set as follows:
Specifies a handle to the cursor resource to be installed in each window created from the window class. If you use the default of 0, you will get the standard IDC_ARROW cursor.
Specifies a handle to the brush resource to be installed in each window created from the window class. If you use the default of 0, you will have a NULL background brush, and your window will, by default, not erase its background while processing WM_ERASEBKGND.
Specifies a handle to the icon resource to be installed in each window created from the window class. If you use the default of 0, you will get the standard, waving-flag Windows logo icon.
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library automatically registers several standard window classes for you. Call this function if you want to register your own window classes.
The name registered for a class by AfxRegisterWndClass depends solely on the parameters. If you call AfxRegisterWndClass multiple times with identical parameters, it only registers a class on the first call. Subsequent calls to AfxRegisterWndClass with identical parameters simply return the already-registered classname.
If you call AfxRegisterWndClass for multiple CWnd-derived classes with identical parameters, instead of getting a separate window class for each class, each class shares the same window class. This can cause problems if the CS_CLASSDC class style is used. Instead of multiple CS_CLASSDC window classes, you end up with one CS_CLASSDC window class, and all C++ windows that use that class share the same DC. To avoid this problem, call AfxRegisterClass to register the class.
See Also CWnd::Create, CWnd::PreCreateWindow, WNDCLASS AfxRegisterClass