
void EndWaitCursor( );


Call this function after you have called the BeginWaitCursor member function to return from the hourglass cursor to the previous cursor. The framework also calls this member function after it has called the hourglass cursor.


// The following example illustrates the most common case
// of displaying the hourglass cursor during some lengthy
// processing of a command handler implemented in some
// CCmdTarget-derived class, such as a document or view.

void CMyView::OnSomeCommand()
   BeginWaitCursor(); // display the hourglass cursor

   // do some lengthy processing

   EndWaitCursor(); // remove the hourglass cursor

// The next example illustrates RestoreWaitCursor.
void CMyView::OnSomeCommand()
   BeginWaitCursor(); // display the hourglass cursor

   // do some lengthy processing

   // The dialog box will normally change the cursor to
   // the standard arrow cursor, and leave the cursor in
   // as the standard arrow cursor when the dialog box is
   // closed.
   CMyDialog dlg;

   // It is necessary to call RestoreWaitCursor here in order
   // to change the cursor back to the hourglass cursor.

   // do some more lengthy processing

   EndWaitCursor(); // remove the hourglass cursor

// In the above example, the dialog was clearly invoked between
// the pair of calls to BeginWaitCursor and EndWaitCursor.
// Sometimes it may not be clear whether the dialog is invoked 
// in between a pair of calls to BeginWaitCursor and EndWaitCursor.
// It is permissable to call RestoreWaitCursor, even if 
// BeginWaitCursor was not previously called.  This case is 
// illustrated below, where CMyView::AnotherFunction does not
// need to know whether it was called in the context of an
// hourglass cursor.
void CMyView::AnotherFunction()
   // some processing ...

   CMyDialog dlg;

   // some more processing ...

// If the dialog is invoked from a member function of
// some non-CCmdTarget, then you can call CWinApp::DoWaitCursor
// with a 0 parameter value to restore the hourglass cursor.
void CMyObject::AnotherFunction()
   CMyDialog dlg;
   AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); // same as CCmdTarget::RestoreWaitCursor   

CCmdTarget OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWaitCursor, CCmdTarget::BeginWaitCursor, CCmdTarget::RestoreWaitCursor, CWinApp::DoWaitCursor