virtual void DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct );
A pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure that contains information about the type of drawing required.
Called by the framework when a visual aspect of an owner-draw combo box changes. The itemAction member of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure defines the drawing action that is to be performed. See CWnd::OnDrawItem for a description of this structure.
By default, this member function does nothing. Override this member function to implement drawing for an owner-draw CComboBox object. Before this member function terminates, the application should restore all graphics device interface (GDI) objects selected for the display context supplied in lpDrawItemStruct.
CComboBox Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CComboBox::CompareItem, WM_DRAWITEM, CComboBox::MeasureItem, CComboBox::DeleteItem