
virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout( BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz );

Return Value

The control bar size, in pixels, of a CSize object.



Indicates whether the bar should be stretched to the size of the frame. The bStretch parameter is nonzero when the bar is not a docking bar (not available for docking) and is 0 when it is docked or floating (available for docking).


Indicates that the bar is horizontally or vertically oriented. The bHorz parameter is nonzero if the bar is horizontally oriented and is 0 if it is vertically oriented.


Call this member function to calculate the horizontal size of a control bar.

Control bars such as toolbars can stretch horizontally or vertically to accommodate the buttons contained in the control bar.

If bStretch is TRUE, stretch the dimension along the orientation provided by bHorz. In other words, if bHorz is FALSE, the control bar is stretched vertically. If bStretch is FALSE, no stretch occurs. The following table shows the possible permutations, and resulting control-bar styles, of bStretch and bHorz.




Docking/Not docking
TRUE TRUE Horizontal stretching Horizontally oriented Not docking
TRUE FALSE Vertical stretching Vertically oriented Not docking
FALSE TRUE No stretching available Horizontally oriented Docking
FALSE FALSE No stretching available Vertically oriented Docking

CControlBar OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CControlBar::CalcDynamicLayout