
BOOL DrawFrameControl( LPRECT lpRect, UINT nType, UINT nState );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the logical coordinates of the rectangle.


Specifies the type of frame control to draw. This parameter can be one of the following values:


Specifies the initial state of the frame control. See the Remarks section for a table of the parameter’s values:


Call this member function to draw a frame control of the specified type and style.

Use the nState value DFCS_ADJUSTRECT to adjust  the bounding rectangle to exclude the surrounding edge of the push button. One or more of the following values can be used to set the state of the control to be drawn:

In several cases, nState depends on the nType parameter. The following list shows the relationship between the four nType values and nState:

For more information about the Windows API DrawFrameControl, see ::DrawFrameControl in the Win32 SDK Programmer’s Reference.

CDC OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   ::DrawFrameControl