
void SetTabStops( int nTabStops );



Width of each tab stop, in dialog units.


Call this function to set the tab stops used for display and printing. Only a single tab-stop width is supported. (CEdit objects support multiple tab widths.) Widths are in dialog units, which equal one-fourth of the average character width (based on uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters only) of the font used at the time of printing or displaying. You should not use CEdit::SetTabStops because CEditView must cache the tab-stop value.

This function modifies only the tabs of the object for which it is called. To change the tab stops for each CEditView object in your application, call each object’s SetTabStops function.

CEditView OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWnd::SetFont, CEditView::SetPrinterFont