
BOOL CreateFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lpLogFont );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



Points to a LOGFONT structure that defines the characteristics of the logical font.


Initializes a CFont object with the characteristics given in a LOGFONT structure pointed to by lpLogFont. The font can subsequently be selected as the current font for any device.

This font has the characteristics specified in the LOGFONT structure. When the font is selected by using the CDC::SelectObject member function, the GDI’s font mapper attempts to match the logical font with an existing physical font. If it fails to find an exact match for the logical font, it provides an alternative whose characteristics match as many of the requested characteristics as possible.

When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreateFontIndirect function, first select the font out of the device context, then delete the CFont object.

CFont OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CFont::CreateFont, CFont::CreatePointFontIndirect, CDC::SelectObject, CGdiObject::DeleteObject, ::CreateFontIndirect