
The MFC class CGopherConnection manages your connection to a gopher Internet server. The gopher service is one of three Internet services recognized by the MFC WinInet classes.

The class CGopherConnection contains a constructor and three additional member functions that manage the gopher service: OpenFile, CreateLocator, and GetAttribute.

To communicate with a gopher Internet server, you must first create an instance of CInternetSession, and then call CInternetSession::GetGopherConnection, which creates the CGopherConnection object and returns a pointer to it. You never create a CGopherConnection object directly.

 To learn more about how CGopherConnection works with the other MFC Internet classes, see the article Internet Programming with WinInet in Visual C++ Programmer's Guide. For more information about using the the other two supported Internet services, FTP and HTTP see the classes CHttpConnection and CFtpConnection.

#include <afxinet.h>

Class MembersBase ClassHierarchy Chart

See Also   CFtpConnection, CHttpConnection, CInternetConnection, CGopherLocator, CGopherFile, CInternetSession