CHttpFile Class Members


CHttpFile Creates a CHttpFile object.


AddRequestHeaders Adds headers to the request sent to an HTTP server.
SendRequest Sends a request to an HTTP server.
SendRequestEx Sends a request to an HTTP server using the Write or WriteString methods of CInternetFile.
EndRequest Ends a request sent to an HTTP server with the SendRequestEx member function.
QueryInfo Returns the response or request headers from the HTTP server.
QueryInfoStatusCode Retrieves the status code associated with an HTTP request and places it in the supplied dwStatusCode parameter.
GetVerb Gets the verb that was used in a request to an HTTP server.
GetObject Gets the target object of the verb in a request to an HTTP server.
GetFileURL Gets the URL for the specified file.
Close Closes the CHttpFile and frees its resources.

CHttpFile OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CInternetFile, CGopherFile, CHttpConnection