
virtual BOOL OnParseError( CHttpServerContext* pCtxt, int nCause );

Return Value

Nonzero error is successfully parsed; otherwise 0.



A pointer to a CHttpServerContext object that contains an EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure function dwHttpStatusCode. These status values are:


The cause of the error.  Can be one of the following values:

Enum type Description
callOK OnParseError handled the error.
callParamRequired A required parameter was missing.
callBadParamCount There were too many or too few parameters.
callBadCommand The command name was not found.
callNoStackSpace No stack space was available.
callNoStream No CHtmlStream was available.
callMissingQuote A parameter is missing a quote mark.
callMissingParams No parameters were available.
callBadParam A parameter had a bad format.


Called by the framework to parse errors. Once the error is identified, the message associated with the cause of the error is returned to the client either in an HTML stream or in a CHttpServerContext::WriteClient message.

Override this member function to customize the error parsing.

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