CMonthCalCtrl Class Members


CMonthCalCtrl Constructs a CMonthCalCtrl object.
Create Creates a month calendar control and attaches it to the CMonthCalCtrl object.


GetMinReqRect Retrieves the minimum size required to show a full month in a month calendar control.
SetMonthDelta Sets the scroll rate for a month calendar control.
GetMonthDelta Retrieves the scroll rate for a month calendar control.
SetFirstDayOfWeek Sets the day of week to be displayed in the leftmost column of the calendar.
GetFirstDayOfWeek Gets the first day of the week to be displayed in the leftmost column of the calendar.
GetColor Gets the color of a specified area of a month calendar control.
SetColor Sets the color of a specified area of a month calendar control.


SizeMinReq Repaints the month calendar control to its minimum, one-month size.
SetToday Sets the calendar control for the current day.
GetToday Retrieves the date information for the date specified as "today" for a month calendar control.
SetCurSel Sets the currently-selected date for a month calendar control.
GetCurSel Retrieves the system time as indicated by the currently-selected date.
SetDayState Sets the display for days in a month calendar control.
SetMaxSelCount Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control.
GetMaxSelCount Retrieves the current maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control.
SetRange Sets the minimum and maximum allowable dates for a month calendar control.
GetRange Retrieves the current minimum and maximum dates set in a month calendar control.
GetMonthRange Retrieves date information representing the high and low limits of a month calendar control's display.
SetSelRange Sets the selection for a month calendar control to a given date range.
GetSelRange Retrieves date information representing the upper and lower limits of the date range currently selected by the user.
HitTest Determines which portion of a month calendar control is at a given point on the screen.

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