POSITION InsertAfter( POSITION position, CObject* newElement );
throw ( CMemoryException );
A POSITION value returned by a previous GetNext, GetPrev, or Find member function call.
The object pointer to be added to this list.
Adds an element to this list after the element at the specified position.
CObList list;
POSITION pos1, pos2;
list.AddHead( new CAge( 21 ) );
list.AddHead( new CAge( 40 ) ); // List now contains (40, 21).
if( ( pos1 = list.GetHeadPosition() ) != NULL )
pos2 = list.InsertAfter( pos1, new CAge( 65 ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
afxDump << "InsertAfter example: " << &list << "\n";
The results from this program are as follows:
InsertAfter example: A CObList with 3 elements
a CAge at $4A44 40
a CAge at $4A64 65
a CAge at $4968 21
CObList Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CObList::Find, CObList::InsertBefore