
static BOOL PASCAL CanCreateFromData( const COleDataObject* pDataObject );

Return Value

Nonzero if the container can create an embedded object from the COleDataObject object; otherwise 0.



Pointer to the COleDataObject object from which the OLE item is to be created.


Checks whether a container application can create an embedded object from the given COleDataObject object. The COleDataObject class is used in data transfers for retrieving data in various formats from the Clipboard, through drag and drop, or from an embedded OLE item.

Containers can use this function to decide to enable or disable their Edit Paste and Edit Paste Special commands.

For more information, see the article Data Objects and Data Sources (OLE) in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

COleClientItem OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleDataObject