
BOOL ExchangeVersion( CPropExchange* pPX, DWORD dwVersionDefault, BOOL bConvert = TRUE );

Return Value

Nonzero of the function succeeded; 0 otherwise.



A pointer to a CPropExchange object. The framework supplies this object to establish the context of the property exchange, including its direction.


The current version number of the control.


Indicates whether persistent data should be converted to the latest format when saved, or maintained in the same format that was loaded.


Call this function to serialize or initialize the state of a control’s version information. Typically, this will be the first function called by a control’s override of COleControl::DoPropExchange. When loading, this function reads the version number of the persistent data, and sets the version attribute of the CPropExchange object accordingly. When saving, this function writes the version number of the persistent data.

For more information on persistence and versioning, see the article ActiveX Controls: Serializing in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

COleControl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleControl::DoPropExchange