
virtual DWORD GetControlFlags( );

Return Value

An ORed combination of the flags in the ControlFlags enumeration:

enum ControlFlags {
   fastBeginPaint = 0x0001,
   clipPaintDC = 0x0002,
   pointerInactive = 0x0004,
   noFlickerActivate = 0x0008,
   windowlessActivate = 0x0010,
   canOptimizeDraw = 0x0020,


Override this function to specify the control flag settings. By default, GetControlFlags returns fastBeginPaint | clipPaintDC.


If set, uses a begin-paint function tailored for OLE controls instead of the BeginPaint API (set by default).


If not set, disables the call to IntersectClipRect made by COleControl and gains a small speed advantage. If you are using windowless activation, the flag has no effect.


If set, provides mouse interaction while your control is inactive by enabling COleControl's implementation of the IPointerInactive interface, which is disabled by default.


If set, eliminates extra drawing operations and the accompanying visual flicker. Use when your control draws itself identically in the inactive and active states. If you are using windowless activation, the flag has no effect.


If set, indicates your control uses windowless activation.


If set, indicates that the control will perform optimized drawing, if the container supports it.

For more information about GetControlFlags and other optimizations of OLE controls, see ActiveX Controls: Optimization.

COleControl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDC::IntersectClipRect, COleControl::SetControlSize