
COleSafeArray( );

COleSafeArray( const SAFEARRAY& saSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc );

COleSafeArray( LPCSAFEARRAY psaSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc );

COleSafeArray( const COleSafeArray& saSrc );

COleSafeArray( const VARIANT& varSrc );

COleSafeArray( LPCVARIANT pSrc );

COleSafeArray( const COleVariant& varSrc );



An existing COleSafeArray object or SAFEARRAY to be copied into the new COleSafeArray object.


The VARTYPE of the new COleSafeArray object.


A pointer to a SAFEARRAY to be copied into the new COleSafeArray object.


An existing VARIANT or COleVariant object to be copied into the new COleSafeArray object.


A pointer to a VARIANT object to be copied into the new COleSafeArray object.


All of these constructors create new COleSafeArray objects. If there is no parameter, an empty COleSafeArray object is created (VT_EMPTY). If the COleSafeArray is copied from another array whose VARTYPE is known implicitly (a COleSafeArray, COleVariant, or VARIANT), the VARTYPE of the source array is retained and need not be specified. If the COleSafeArray is copied from another array whose VARTYPE is not known (SAFEARRAY), the VARTYPE must be specified in the vtSrc parameter.

On error, the function throws a CMemoryException or COleException.

COleSafeArray OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   VariantCopy