
virtual BOOL OnDrawEx( CDC* pDC, DVASPECT nDrawAspect, CSize& rSize );

Return Value

Nonzero if the item was successfully drawn; otherwise 0.



A pointer to the CDC object on which to draw the item. The DC is automatically connected to the attribute DC so you can call attribute functions, although doing so would make the metafile device-specific.


A value from the DVASPECT enumeration. This parameter can have any of the following values:


Size of the item in HIMETRIC units.


Called by the framework for all drawing. The default implementation calls OnDraw when DVASPECT is equal to DVASPECT_CONTENT; otherwise it fails.

Override this function to provide presentation data for aspects other than DVASPECT_CONTENT, such as DVASPECT_ICON or DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL.

COleServerItem OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleServerItem::OnDraw