
BOOL CreateHalftonePalette( CDC* pDC );

Return Value

Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0.



Identifies the device context.


Creates a halftone palette for the device context. An application should create a halftone palette when the stretching mode of a device context is set to HALFTONE. The logical halftone palette returned by the CreateHalftonePalette member function should then be selected and realized into the device context before the CDC::StretchBlt or ::StretchDIBits function is called.

See the Win32 SDK Programmer’s Reference for more information about CreateHalftonePalette and StretchDIBits.

CPalette OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDC::RealizePalette, CDC::SelectPalette, CDC::SetStretchBltMode, ::CreateHalftonePalette, ::StretchDIBits