BOOL Create( CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, DWORD dwStyle = (DWORD)–1, DWORD dwExStyle = 0 );
Return Value
Nonzero if the property sheet is created successfully; otherwise 0.
Points to parent window. If NULL, parent is the desktop.
Window styles for property sheet. For a complete list of available styles, see Window Styles.
Extended window styles for property sheet. For a complete list of available styles, see Extended Window Styles
Call this member function to display a modeless property sheet. The call to Create can be inside the constructor, or you can call it after the constructor is invoked.
The default style, expressed by passing –1 as dwStyle, is actually WS_SYSMENU | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXT_HELP | WS_VISIBLE. The default extended window style, expressed by passing 0 as dwExStyle, is actually WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME.
The Create member function returns immediately after creating the property sheet. To destroy the property sheet, call CWnd::DestroyWindow.
Modeless property sheets displayed with a call to Create do not have OK, Cancel, Apply Now, and Help buttons as modal property sheets do. Desired buttons must be created by the user.
To display a modal property sheet, call DoModal instead.
CPropertySheet Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CDialog::Create, CPropertySheet::DoModal