CPropertySheet Class Members

Data Members

m_psh The Windows PROPSHEETHEADER structure. Provides access to basic property sheet parameters.


CPropertySheet Constructs a CPropertySheet object.
Construct Constructs a CPropertySheet object.


GetActiveIndex Retrieves the index of the active page of the property sheet.
GetPageIndex Retrieves the index of the specified page of the property sheet.
GetPageCount Retrieves the number of pages in the property sheet.
GetPage Retrieves a pointer to the specified page.
GetActivePage Returns the active page object.
SetActivePage Programmatically sets the active page object.
SetTitle Sets the caption of the property sheet.
GetTabControl Retrieves a pointer to a tab control.
SetFinishText Sets the text for the Finish button.
SetWizardButtons Enables the wizard buttons.
SetWizardMode Enables the wizard mode.
EnableStackedTabs Indicates whether the property sheet uses stacked or scrolling tabs.


DoModal Displays a modal property sheet.
Create Displays a modeless property sheet.
AddPage Adds a page to the property sheet.
RemovePage Removes a page from the property sheet.
PressButton Simulates the choice of the specified button in a property sheet.
EndDialog Terminates the property sheet.

CPropertySheet OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart